Graduation 2016 Party Ideas

Here are a few tips and suggestions to give your upcoming high school or college graduate in New York, Brooklyn, Queens or Long Island the best party ever.


Whether it's a small get-together or a large bash, its success is in the planning. How much input should your teen have on their graduation party? A simple way to figure that out would be to ask your teen. Some want to help, and control the direction of their party. Some graduates don't want to be bothered with all of the decisions and details. Your teen will let you know.

Budget and Coordination

This can be harder than you think and should coordinate so that most people you invite can attend. Write down a few options or ideas and start calling those you would like to see come. Narrow down your choices until you have a date that suits the majority of guests. Begin by deciding how much you can spend and then comparison shop for things you would like to have or do. Don’t forget to check Party Glitters in New York City for best deals on graduation party supplies and decorations.

Location and Guests

If you are going to use a hall, park or restaurant, you’ll need to begin planning this while you're picking a date. If you are going to use your home, jot down things you will need to rent like a tent or coffee machine. The size of your event will help with this. Your graduate will need to sit down with you and make a list of friends.


While the overall theme will be the graduation, you’ll need more than that to pull your party together. A theme for the party can be as simple as the school colors or as detailed as the graduate's college major. Choosing a theme will help you purchase supplies and decide on menus. Visit Party Glitters locations in Suffolk for the latest suggestions on graduation party supplies, decorations and balloons.